Pierre Verlyck is also :
  • Member of the jury and mentor for the School of Public Affairs at Sciences Po
  • Advisor to Pascal Lorot, President

As a Managing Director at Choiseul Advisory, Pierre Verlyck guides top executives and businesses through tailored consulting missions. His expertise in influence and strategic communication, coupled with his experience in business management, enables him to comprehend the challenges unique to the leaders he assists.

Pierre Verlyck began his career at the French Ministry of Economy. He played a pivotal role in the launch of the Grande École du Numérique, a government policy aimed at aligning training offerings with economic and technological advancements. Notably, he managed communication and institutional relations in an interministerial context.

Subsequently, Pierre Verlyck joined the Institut Choiseul, an independent think-tank dedicated to analyzing significant economic issues. There he held the positions of Development Manager and then Director. Notably, he oversaw the launch of the Innovation Club and new networks of prominent young economic decision-makers.

In 2019, Pierre Verlyck took up the position of CEO of POP School, an impact company providing training for new digital professions. Over four years, he led the transformation and scaling of the organization, positioning it in new markets. In 2023, he joined the Choiseul Advisory team as a Managing Director.

Additionally, he serves as a jury member at Sciences Po and mentors students within the School of Public Affairs.

Pierre Verlyck holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from Sciences Po. He also holds a Graduate Diploma in Digital Innovation from the London School of Economics (University of London).

Latest publications:

  • “Agriculture : le regard précieux d’Anne-Cécile Suzanne” (Agriculture: the invaluable viewpoint of Anne-Cécile Suzanne), Choiseul Magazine, April 24, 2024.
  • “Le retour de l’autorité, une nécessité pour faire société” (The Return of Authority, a Necessity for Society), Les Echos, August 16, 2023.
  • “L’inclusion numérique : quelles réalités pour quel avenir ?” (Digital Inclusion: Realities and Future Prospects) in “Repenser nos sociétés à l’aune des Objectifs de développement durable” (Rethinking Our Societies in Light of Sustainable Development Goals), Editions Jean-Jaurès, 2020.
  • “État d’urgence numérique : faisons de l’inclusion numérique une grande cause nationale” (Digital State of Emergency: Making Digital Inclusion a National Priority), La Tribune, October 23, 2020.
  • “Le confinement, révélateur de l’état d’urgence numérique français” (Confinement: Revealing the State of Digital Emergency in France), La Tribune, May 25, 2020 (with Laure de la Raudière et al.).