- President of the Alliance française Madrid
- President of Instituto Choiseul España
- Senior Advisor Global Risk Profile (GRP)
- Vice President of the Observatory of think tanks
Eduardo Olier Arenas is currently President of the Alliance française Spain, President of the Instituto Choiseul in Spain and Vice President of the European Think Tank Observatory based in Paris.
He has had a long professional career with management positions in several Spanish and foreign multinationals, such as the European Space Agency, NEC Corporation, Korn Ferry, the Repsol Group or Deloitte Consulting. He has been a professor of applied mathematics at the School of Telecommunications Engineering in Madrid, and was director of the Chair of Geoeconomics at the University CEU San Pablo. He has also been president of the Instituto Empresa y Humanismo of the University of Navarra. He is a member of several boards of directors of multinational companies and is the author of more than 250 articles on economics, geopolitics and technology. He is also the author of several books on the economics of globalization and has contributed to several economics books published both in Spain and the United States. He holds a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a degree from Harvard Business School. Eduardo Olier is Honorary Professor at the Superior Center of National Defense (CESEDEN), Madrid.
Some recent publications:
- Algorithms Shaping the Future – The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Sustainability in the Digital Era, Oct 7, 2020, Palgrave Mcmillan.
- La dualidad económica Estados Unidos-China en el siglo XXI, Sep 2020, Cuaderno de Estrategia 204 – Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos.
- Algoritmos: El poder del control social, Apr 8, 2019, Revista TELOS.
- Negotiating with Managers from Spain, Jan 2019, Chapter 15 in The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Cultural Business Negociation.
- La guerra económica global. Ensayo sobre guerra y economía, 2018, Tirant Lo Blanch.
- Guerra económica: la estrategia comercial de Estados Unidos en el contexto internacional, Oct 2017, INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS ESTRATÉGICOS: GEOECONOMÍAS DEL SIGLO XXI.
- Los ejes del poder económico. Geopolítica del tablero mundial, Nov 2016, Pearson.
- Geoeconomía de la energía, el agua y los recursos naturales, Dec 2015, Geopolítica Líquida del siglo XXI; Escuela Superior de las Fuerzas Armadas. España.